Good Shepherd is a diverse and spiritual community of faith called by Jesus to love God. At Good Shepherd, we live our faith by attending Mass and being of service to others. The Church is missionary by nature. We welcome you to attend Mass, meet our priest Fr. Andrew, and join our parish family. Our Hospitality Sunday, held on the first Sunday of the month, is a great opportunity to get to know Fr. Andrew and our fellow parishioners.
If you would like to become a parishioner now, just fill out the form below and submit it. We will contact you for more information, or you may call our Parish Office Monday - Friday, 9 - 4pm. We would be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have.
Parish registration is required for religious education, for receiving all Sacraments, and for certification as a sponsor for Baptism and Confirmation. Regular weekend worship indicates that you are a practicing Catholic, not just parish registration. Regular attendance is necessary for all sacraments and certification of sponsorship.
Please notify the parish office of any changes in phone numbers, addresses, or e-mail addresses, or when leaving the parish.